Scenic Painting & Design
by Ann Hurd
Harry Potter themed Rube Goldberg Machine
As set painter, I textured and painted the set walls for a cottage feel. I fabricated the score keeping wheels and the foam core bricks at 9 3/4 platform, and the spray foam tentacles in the Devil’s Snare, painted the acrylic water scene around the castle, as well as painted the abstract fire around the sorcerer’s stone. If you watch the bts, you might notice a few familiar faces as I worked with Mark Cope of Extra Credit Studios, known for their original YouTube series The Most Popular Girls In School and The Reboots.
As Set Designer for Of Mice and Men, I directed the build team to create several locations on one small stage. Running with the barn feel, I went with a rough “built by work hands” look and natural “wood-stained” paint on and some aging on the walls. The open wood slats along the back wall helped to add more playing space. The rolling beds were utilized for three scenes: the riverbed scene, the bunkhouse, and Crooks’s room.
Produced by Theatre Unleashed.
As Set Designer for Cannibals, Alone. I created the look of an old backwoods cabin. It was decorated with outdated materials and props. The porch door was an important element in the play as characters would get thrown against it. The walls had to be solid to take the impact so I reinforced the entire porch and back wall. Wood paneling was purchased to shorten build time. The color of the paneling wasn’t quite right for an old cabin so I treated it with a brown wash to dirty it up a bit.
Produced by Theatre Unleashed.
Both of these shows performed on the same stage in rotation. As intimidating as it sounds it was relatively easy, especially when you can hang fabric! As Scenic Painter for A Very Die Hard Christmas, I created an unfinished office complete with faux drywall, concrete floor and elevator shaft. And for KAWL: It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play, we hung fabric along the walls to cover the Die Hard drywall, opened up the elevator and used that space where the radio girls sang with their microphone and decorated with Christmas decor. My main contribution to this set was painting the radio station sign by hand.
Produced by Theatre Unleashed.
This set is the home of a well to do family who is visited by Edgar Allan Poe. To create the atmosphere, I used a flat matte and glossy rich purple on the walls, creating stripes. We had purchased some faux stone and brick panels to save on build time. The stone panels were used in the basement scene. So I added some water rot and mold. I took an old blue door and painted it to look like an old wood door. And of course, a wood floor was painted as well.
Produced by Theatre Unleashed.
The Devil’s Bride is a romantic comedy-mystery that takes place a week after the events in Shakespeare’s classic Much Ado About Nothing. This set is another that has several different locations on one small stage. As scenic painter, I created a Tuscany Villa as requested by the director.
Produced by Theatre Unleashed.
Footsteps is an independent feature. As a painter, I painted an existing cinder block wall and treated it with a brown wash and then painted some water rot and mold. I did a similar treatment to some pipes and flats.
Produced by